Multivitamins: A Reliable Source of Nutrients for Andropause
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Multivitamins: A Reliable Source Of Nutrients For Managing Andropause

May 19, 2017

Multivitamins are an excellent source of nutrients to combat the symptoms of andropause. Vitamins A, B, C, & D — each of them provides different benefits for managing andropause.

Vitamin A: Directly Related to the Production of Testosterone

Vitamin A is stored in several glands of the body, including the testicles. It has been found that when there is no vitamin A in the testes, testosterone levels begin to drop rapidly. A study with 155 male twins found a direct relation between levels of vitamin A in the testicles and the production of testosterone. Because men experience a drop in testosterone during andropause, vitamin A can be a good source of nutrition.

Vitamin Bs: Regulate Energy Levels & Increase Testosterone

Vitamin B complex can help in increasing the production of testosterone. It also helps in regulating overall energy levels in the body. In addition to helping in hormone production, it also helps in countering fatigue, which is a common symptom of andropause.  

Vitamin C: Protects Testosterone Molecules

Vitamin C is good for the immune system as well as for the protection of testosterone in men. According to a study by the Journal of Medicinal Food, oral supplementation of vitamin C resulted in an improvement in the quality of the human semen.

Vitamin D: Boosts Testosterone Levels

Vitamin D supplements can boost testosterone levels in men. According to a study published in Hormone and Metabolic Research, participants who were given Vitamin D everyday for a year experienced a significant increase in testosterone levels.

To conclude, regular intake of multivitamins can help in managing symptoms of andropause. It is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the appropriate dosage of multivitamins for your needs.

Mahesh Jayaraman
Mahesh is a hormone health counsellor & holistic health expert. He has a Mastery Certification in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis from the US, is certified in Functional Nutrition from Washington State University and uses a wide array of healing modalities to guide his clients to vibrant health and well-being.
