10 Quick Diabetic Breakfast Ideas That Don't Compromise On Taste
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10 Easy Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics

May 20, 2017
Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics

If you’re diabetic, it’s a must to eat a healthy breakfast to kick-start your day on the right note. A breakfast comprising of low glycemic foods goes a long way in preventing a spike in blood sugar all day long. If you are pressed for time in the morning, we highly recommend these 10 easy breakfast ideas for diabetics. They’re super healthy and quick to put together!

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics


1. Breakfast Smoothies

Nothing beats a breakfast smoothie when it comes to a quick meal that you can take with you. Blend one cup of plain yogurt with half a cup of fruit, like bananas, strawberries or blueberries. Feel free to add one teaspoon, each, of wheat germ or oats and nuts. Add ice and blend this mélange for a tasty, filling and healthy breakfast. Try our Banana Ginger Breakfast Smoothie here!

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics


2. Oatmeal

Do you exercise in the morning? A bowl of high-fiber oatmeal gives you the right dose of carbs after a workout. Include nuts or seeds, a spoonful of plain Greek yogurt or berries to add to the taste and health quotients. We also love the idea of a no-cook, overnight oatmeal. How is that made, you ask? Just combine these ingredients in a ½ pint jar, seal it with a lid and refrigerate it overnight. Then, you get to wake up to an enjoyable breakfast! Try our Oatmeal with Chia Seeds recipe too, for a portion of health and deliciousness.

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics


3. Scrambled Eggs

Eggs are so versatile. Scrambled eggs are all the more easier to put together on a busy morning. Add chopped spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers or chopped meats to make your breakfast extra-filling. To save some time, chop up a batch of seasonal veggies and keep them refrigerated in air-tight containers. That way, you have your ingredients ready for a quick and healthy diabetic breakfast. Try our Scrambled Egg Whites with Chicken Chunks recipe.

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics


4. Frittatas

If you are a morning person, a frittata is a great weekday breakfast! Plus, if you make a frittata that’s big enough, you can eat the leftovers for lunch or dinner. Now, that’s what we call smart planning! The added veggies provide a good dose of fiber, which is great for diabetics as it fills you up without raising blood sugar levels. Try this simple Courgette, Carrot & Tomato Frittata recipe.

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics

Tomato & Cheese Omlette

5. Cheese Tomato Omelet

No time for chopping numerous veggies for a frittata? No worries. A tomato cheese omelet tastes just as good and requires much lesser prep work. Simply chop up a tomato, grate some parmesan cheese and you have your omelet filling ready! To whip up a fluffy omelet, beat the eggs with a tablespoon of milk. Trust us, it makes a world of difference. Also, for extra flavor, add chopped ham and shredded basil to your omelet.

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics

Fruit Platter with chopped nuts

6. A Fruit Platter With Chopped Nuts

Love fruit? A fruit platter with chopped nuts is a great way to start the day. Chop fresh whole fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, pears, papayas, nectarines and peaches and enjoy them with chopped almonds, walnuts and pine nuts. The healthy monounsaturated fats in the nuts will help you feel full. The fruits, on the other hand, add extra fiber and a touch of sweetness to your morning, without the risk of a blood sugar spike.

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics


7. Burrito

A burrito is a healthy, delicious, filling (and portable) answer to a breakfast for someone on the go! Save these for those crazy, busy mornings when you don’t have even a minute to spare. A quick burrito that can be put together with leftovers in your fridge will come to your rescue at a time like this. Use leftover beans, vegetables or meat. Add eggs and some salsa, wrap up in a tortilla and you’re good to go! Try our Egg Breakfast Burrito recipe that will keep you full and happy, even when you’re in a hurry.

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics


8. Quick Poached Eggs with Wholegrain Toast

Start your day off with this healthy, quick and easy-to-cook breakfast! The key to making it perfect – fresh, jumbo sized eggs. As eggs age, the composition of the whites change and they become more fluid. The fresher the egg, the more it will retain its shape while poaching. Try our Perfect Poached Eggs with Baby Spinach recipe and enjoy it with a wholegrain toast!

9. Cottage Cheese with Fruit

If you’re a vegetarian and can’t depend on eggs for a quick breakfast, cottage cheese is the perfect alternative. It is high in calcium and protein, and its lovely texture is a perfect complement to sweet, fresh fruit. Portion out half a cup of cottage cheese and mix in half a cup of peaches, pineapples, raspberries, blueberries and even diced tomatoes. Try our Papaya and Basil Infused Cottage Cheese Salsa with Starfruit Slices recipe.

Breakfast Ideas For Diabetics

Yogurt Parafait

10. Yogurt Parfait

Another excellent option for breakfast-on-the-go is a yogurt parfait. It combines healthy whole grains, fruit and yogurt to create a delicious breakfast. It’s perfect for diabetics with a sweet tooth and is a far healthier alternative to breakfast muffins and scones. What’s better? Yogurt is a great source of protein, calcium and probiotics that help keep the digestive system healthy and blood sugar levels stable. Try our Watermelon Parfait recipe for a cool breakfast idea.

Maneera Saxena Behl
Maneera is a health and fitness enthusiast who is also a firm believer in the power of dietary supplements. A health buff, she likes to help others improve their overall well-being by achieving the right balance between nutrition, exercise and mindfulness.