Where do I get zinc carnosine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or mastic gum?
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Living Well Questions

Where do I get zinc carnosine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or mastic gum?

Dec 3, 2016

If you are based in the Unites States, then you will be able to get Zinc Carnosine and Mastic Gum at health food stores or in the health food aisles of supermarkets. In other parts of the world, you can buy these supplements from online retailers like Amazon.

Sharda Agarwal
Sharda Agarwal is a qualified Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioner & a Certified Blood Chemistry Analyst. She first used dietary supplements to overcome a debilitating migraine she suffered for years. Since then she has studied the subjects of nutrition and nutrients extensively. She uses this to manage the health of her family at home and with Sepalika.