Probiotics for Acid Reflux: Benefits and Sources | Sepalika
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Probiotics For Acid Reflux: Benefits And Sources

May 3, 2017

Probiotics are good bacteria that naturally live in our bodies. While bad bacteria can cause illness, the right bacteria, such as probiotics, provide a lot of health benefits. Let’s look at the benefits of using probiotics for acid reflux and their key sources.

Benefits of Probiotics for Acid Reflux

So, how do probiotics help with heart burn? Acid reflux occurs when acid from the stomach is released into the esophagus, because of bad bacteria present in the gut. Bad bacteria causes fermentation of undigested food. The gas that is released from such food increases intra-abdominal pressure. This leads to the opening of the lower esophageal sphincter (a bundle of muscles at the low end of the esophagus), and the contents of the stomach are pushed back up the esophagus. The thought behind consuming probiotics is very simple. They stop the growth of bad bacteria in the gut, in turn reducing the symptoms of acid reflux.

Sources of Probiotics

Yogurt is a natural source of probiotics, with each serving of yogurt having tens of billions of bacteria. Apart from yogurt, other sources of probiotics are Kefir, a milky beverage containing different types of good bacteria; kimchi, a Korean side dish comprising of pickled vegetables, and Tempeh, which is made from fermented soybeans. You can also consider taking dietary supplements that contain probiotics, after consulting a doctor.

To conclude, probiotics is one of the most effective ways of dealing with acid reflux or heart burn. Learn about other ways to help your heart burn naturally here.