Bhramari Pranayama Benefits - How To Do Bee Breathing Yoga Pose
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Diabetes and Exercise

Bhramari Pranayama Pose: Bee-Breathing Yoga Video For Diabetics

Dec 5, 2016

How To Do Bhramari Pranayama Step By Step

Step 1 Sit cross-legged in the comfortable position of Bhramari Pranayama (Lotus pose).

Step 2 Keep your eyes closed.

Step 3 Now close your ears with your thumb & eyes with your forefingers.

Step 4 Inhale deeply. When you exhale make a loud humming sound like a bee.

Repeat this 3-4 times.

It is recommended to do this breathing technique on an empty stomach. If done in the evening, do ensure there is at least a 4-5 hour gap after your last meal.

Bhramari Benefits – Bee-Breathing Yoga

Bhramari is very effective as it helps calm the mind instantly and helps you focus.

Here is how Pranayam works on Diabetes: Glucagon is a hormone that raises the level of glucose in the body. This pranayama will lower stress and thereby help reduce level of glucagon in the body. Check out the Bhramari Pranayama video to help you perform this powerful and highly beneficial breathing exercise.

Harsha Banthia
Harsha is a Sivananda certified Yoga Teacher and a K11 Fitness instructor. She is passionate about healing and uses yoga, panic healing, fitness training and Tibetan Bowl sound therapy to restore her clients back to great health and balance.