Aviva Method For PCOS: Restore Your Hormonal Health Naturally
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Aviva Method: Exercises For Balancing Your Hormones Naturally

Oct 4, 2017

For anyone struggling with PCOS, the first bit of advice is to exercise regularly. There are lots of general exercises that work well for PCOS, right from weight training to aerobic exercises. And there are specific exercises for PCOS, such as specific yoga asanas and other exercises that promote hormonal health (remember: PCOS is a hormonal disorder.) The Aviva Method is one such exercise that’s proven to be effective for many women with PCOS.

The Aviva Method For PCOS: How Does It Work?

The Aviva Method is a completely natural method, which consists of several exercises. It was developed by Aviva Steiner from Israel. It includes 18 basic exercises that are known to strengthen and stimulate the inner and outer muscles of the lower abdominal area. All the exercises under the Aviva Method are a result of decades of research. Practising these exercises on a regular basis provides several benefits, including:

  • Increased supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to reproductive organs, resulting in improved reproductive health
  • Hormonal growth, resulting in naturally balanced hormones

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that interferes with the reproductive system. This makes the Aviva Method an excellent choice for PCOS.

Sepalika PCOD Program

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Other Health Benefits Of The Aviva Method

The Aviva method offers a natural, medication-free solution for improving fertility and regularizing periods. In addition to PCOS, the Aviva method works for a range of other female health issues, including:

  • Painful or long menstrual periods
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Absence of or irregular periods
  • Uncomfortable menopausal symptoms
  • Urinary incontinence (the loss of bladder control or leaky bladder)
  • Hormonal weight problems
  • Uterine fibroids (tumors in the uterus)

The Aviva method offers hope for men too. It includes a separate set of exercises designed specifically for men to address conditions like:

  • Low sperm count & motility
  • Male infertility
  • Prostate health issues
  • Erectile dysfunction

Where Can You Learn The Exercises Prescribed Under The Aviva Method?

The AVIVA method can be practiced by adults in general, women and men, regardless of age. However, there are a few conditions in which it is not recommended. Also, it takes some amount of practice to master the exercise sequences under the Aviva Method.  Therefore, it is recommended to learn these exercises only under the supervision of qualified trainers. You will find qualified Aviva trainers all over the world. You can also learn about the Aviva method online. There are several trainers, like me, who can help you get trained on these exercises. All you need is a webcam and a reliable internet connection.

Final Thoughts

Just like all holistic methods of treatment for PCOS, the Aviva method works well if it is complemented with changes to diet and lifestyle. But if you follow the exercise regimen regularly, you can conquer PCOS and lead a normal life.

Andrea Nagy
is a hormonal gymnastics, nutritionist, and life coach. She got introduced to professional eating, AVIVA gymnastics, and other movements and lifestyle systems after a sedentary lifestyle took a toll on her health. The considerable improvement in the quality of her personal life has inspired her to share the benefits of these activities with others and empower them to good health.
Andrea Nagy

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