Honey for Acid Reflux: A Time-Tested Functional Food | Sepalika
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Acid Reflux

Honey: A Powerful Functional Food For Acid Reflux

Jul 3, 2017

If you suffer from acid reflux, you may never have thought that you could find relief inside a honey pot!

Honey is an incredibly powerful functional food. It never ceases to amaze me just how many ailments it can be used to heal. It seems that scientists are also overly intrigued by its unusual therapeutic properties.

Studies looking into the causes of acid reflux have only been carried out in relatively recent years, due to the rapid climb in reported cases. Currently, more than 60 million adults experience acid reflux each month in America alone.

A group of wise scientists recognized a strong relationship between oxygen-derived free radicals and people who suffer from acid reflux. Think of free-radicals as the bad guys out of a horror movie, looking to attack your healthy cells. Inhibiting the free radicals is needed to reduce symptoms of acid reflux.

How Does Honey Help With Acid Reflux?

When looking at how to help the body combat these attackers, antioxidant levels need to be high enough to overcome this oxidative stress. Honey is a powerful free radical scavenger with strong anti-inflammatory properties.

As the esophagus is not designed to have stomach acid finding its way into its delicate lining, you can imagine the acid as a toxic, burning substance, which somewhat explains the discomfort you’re experiencing.

Given the thick texture of honey, it acts to coat and protect the mucus membranes in your throat and provides much-needed relief from acid reflux. For this reason, honey is also highly effective in treating various painful throat conditions.

Honey Stirs up The Body’s Natural Antioxidant Levels

In a 2013 study, honey has been found to restore glutathione levels. Glutathione is an antioxidant that prevents damage to cells. Digestive diseases, such as GERD, are known to lower glutathione levels in the body.

Additionally, honey also helps in:

  • Activating enzymes so they can carry out the usual protective functions of your cells
  • Breaking down toxins and free-radicals and excrete them from the body
  • Recycling other antioxidants so your body can absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently from the food you eat

How to Take Honey for Acid Reflux?

Which variety: Not all types of honey are the same. Ensure you use Manuka, organic or unpasteurized varieties rather than the regular honey you spread on your toast.

Dosage: Take 1 tsp by itself or mix with warm water, tea or yogurt.
Precautions: Those suffering from bee or pollen allergy should seek an alternative method for treatment of acid reflux.

It’s advisable not to heat honey in a microwave as you damage its powerful properties, making treatment ineffective.

If you wish to reduce the viscosity of honey, place in a small dish inside a bowl of shallow warm water.

Shannon Davidson, Health Writer
Shannon has a burning desire to share the best health and wellness tips to lead a life that is rich and fulfilling. She has a particular interest in nutrition, holistic approaches, wellness, integrative medicine and naturopathic treatments through healing foods"


Stats for acid reflux in America https://www.floridahospital.com/acid-reflux-disease/statistics-acid-reflux

Relationship between free-radical release and extent of mucosal damage https://www.hon.ch/OESO/books/Vol_5_Eso_Junction/Articles/art149.html

A nutrient with medicinal property in reflux oesophagitis Indian J Med Res. 2013 Dec; 138(6): 1020–1021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3978955/#ref8

What glutathione is and how it affects your immune health https://www.immunehealthscience.com/glutathione.html