Shivani Prasad, Author at Sepalika

About: Shivani Prasad

Shivani is a mother of two who has been successfully using alternative treatments for her children. She is a firm believer in natural ingredients and supplements for healing. When it comes to advice on home remedies, Shivani is the go-to person in her social circle.

Posts by Shivani Prasad:

  • Can Diabetics Have Chocolate?, 16 Aug 2017 in Diet & Diet Guide & Principles & Type 2 Diabetes

    If you’re a diabetic, you know that too much sugar is not good for you. But what about chocolates? Should someone with diabetes avoid the sheer pleasure of indulging in chocolates? Or should they have a “diabetic” chocolate? Or should they just throw caution to the winds and give in to the cravings of eating […]