Miracle Baby After Multiple IVF Failures - Sepalika
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Miracle Baby After Multiple IVF Failures

Jun 12, 2021

Sepalika Fertility Warriors: Miracle Baby After Multiple IVF Failures

Jane and Cibi, married for 13 years, had tried everything to become parents, including treatments at four different large fertility clinic chains across four cities. Jane underwent nine IUI/IVF procedures, including ovarian drilling, but nothing worked.
For all those years, no one identified Jane's thyroid issue because her lab reports seemed normal. However, Sepalika's Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis revealed the problem.
Once her thyroid and nutritional foundations were addressed, Jane's body responded positively. She conceived naturally and gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Joshua. This is the story of their challenging but ultimately triumphant journey to parenthood!

Related Topics: Unexplained Infertility, IUI, IVF, Thyroid Issues